Colour, Candid & The Street.

Colour, Candid & The Street.

This month we explore the candid. Through colour, light, portraits and the street, delve into the world of street photography and uncover the stories of people and place.

Finding beauty and fascination in the everyday, building a connection with their surroundings and catching moments of fleeting composition, meet some of our street photographers from around the world.

Recording the everyday, conducted for art or enquiry, street photography distils unedited chance encounters, the lives of those around us and the life of cities we dwell in.

Whether through the lenses of our photographers today or those of decades past, discover the stories of individuals captured in photography. With the stories of people and place encapsulated in time, delve into individual narratives worldwide. Through candid delights, colour blocking and lighting, delve into the various artistic elements that aid the capturing of passing moments.

Stay tuned this August for articles from Colour, Candid & The Street.